Letter from the President
Messengers of Love is a 501c(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing Love and Happiness to the orphans and the poor - Tax ID #: 11-3730103
Dear Friends,
Nhat Linh was 3 and Le Huyen was 1½ years old when I started to sponsor them. Linh always had a smile on her face and seemed to be a happy child. Huyen however had a very sad face. She rarely smiled. I found out that Huyen was abandoned by her mother at birth and was raised by the nuns. Linh’s mother died when she was 10 days old, and her grandmother brought her to the orphanage since she was too poor to take care of her. I wrote them letters and sent money to help the sisters with the essentials. I sent them gifts for birthdays, Christmas, and Lunar New Year (Tet). For Christmas, they received a Christmas card, new clothes, toys, candies, and favorite foods, wrapped in special gift wrap and delivered personally by Santa Claus. For Tet, they received new clothes, new shoes, and essential items, such as shampoo, toothbrush, and toothpaste. I have since sponsored three more orphans, adopted a boy, and asked family and friends to sponsor the rest of the children at the Ho Nai orphanage. Huyen is now a happy beautiful child with a smile on her face. She is 6 years old and is in Kindergarten. Linh is now 8 years old and is in 2nd grade. The children at Ho Nai orphanage have all blossomed into healthy and happy children.
Each year, thousands of children in countries such as Viet Nam are abandoned by their parents for reasons such as illness, death, and economics hardship. These children end up on the streets or in orphanages. Children who grow up unloved and abandoned will often experience low self esteem and emotional insecurity, which could adversely affect their futures. Through your love and support, you can make a positive impact on a child’s life, and brightening their future. Their future will be improved because they have been physically and emotionally nurtured, they will grow up confident and emotionally secure, and will be more likely to treat others with kindness.
I would like to extend an invitation to all of you to reach out and sponsor a child. $15 support per month will not only buy basic essentials such as food, books, clothing, and school tuition, but the child will also receive a gift, cake, and their favorite food on their birthday, as well as a Christmas and New Year’s gift for their emotional and spiritual needs. We will make sure that the money will be spent directly on the children’s needs and that they will know that these are from the love of their sponsor.
If you cannot commit to personally sponsoring a child, you can support our yearly Holiday Gift program which helps to buy Christmas and Lunar New Year gifts for more than 3000 children each year. Or you can contribute to other programs that help improve their quality of life such as orphanage remodeling, rural school remodeling, or scholarships for poor students. We also have other Messengers of Love building and development projects to help the lives of the poor, the handicapped and the ex-leper families of Viet Nam if that is where your heart is. You can help financially through yearly donations or monthly pledges and/or volunteer your effort. Donations can be sent by mail or made on line through our website.
Please join us in becoming a Messenger of Love to the world, especially the orphans and the poor of Viet Nam. Together, we can be Messengers of Love to the world and help build the Kingdom of God on earth. Soon there will be no more orphans left unloved. That is my dream. Would you please help me fulfill this dream and the dreams of the children?
Thank you and God bless,
Theresa Tran
President, Messengers of Love
Letter from Board Chair - The Children of MOL - Christmas 2014
Christmas Letter 2009
Lá Tâm Thư Mùa Giáng Sinh 2009